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RuyiSDK IDE is a graphical integrated development environment primarily designed for RISC-V developers, based on the open-source software Eclipse. Building upon Eclipse's support for embedded development, this tool plans to gradually integrate SDKs for multiple mainstream RISC-V development boards, making RISC-V development more convenient.

Installation and Launch

Download IDE

RuyiSDK IDE download address:

Download the latest version of the IDE from the above address, ensuring to select the installation package that matches your architecture. If you intend to develop in an x86_64 environment, download the latest version of the linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz package; if you wish to develop on an ARM device, download the linux.gtk.aarch64.tar.gz package; and if you want to run it on a RISC-V device, download the linux.gtk.riscv64.tar.gz package.

Launch IDE

After decompressing, execute ./ruyisdk in the command line to launch RuyiSDK IDE.

  1. Extract the downloaded IDE package to any path, navigate to the ruyisdk directory, and execute ./ruyisdk in the command line to start the IDE.
  2. The IDE will then prompt you to select a workspace (WorkSpace). You can create a new directory as the workspace or specify an existing one.
  3. Next, click the Launch button to run the IDE.
  4. Upon successful launch, you will enter the IDE and can start using it.

Note: RuyiSDK IDE comes with an integrated openJDK (openJDK 21) for its own operation, eliminating the need for additional JDK installation. This openJDK 21 is primarily used for the operation of RuyiSDK IDE itself. For Java-related projects you create, you can configure the required Java environment.


For RuyiSDK IDE, you need to download the latest version to replace the old one. When launching a new version of the IDE, you can choose the workspace previously created, allowing you to import previous work and continue development.

Documentation Notes

  1. The documentation and screenshots of RuyiSDK IDE are based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x86_64. If you are using a different environment, there may be inconsistencies, and adjustments may be required on your part.
  2. RuyiSDK IDE currently maintains a development branch, keeping it rolling updated, with documentation updated alongside the latest version. It is recommended that you always download the latest version.