
下载并使用 RuyiSDK,即表示您同意许可条款和隐私声明。

文档具有时效性,如示范链接无法下载,您可以从 GitHub releasesRuyiSDK 镜像中获取所有版本的预构建二进制文件


$ wget https://mirror.iscas.ac.cn/ruyisdk/ruyi/releases/0.15.0/ruyi.amd64  #从软件源下载ruyi本体
$ chmod +x ./ruyi.amd64 #给ruyi添加执行权限
$ sudo cp ruyi.amd64 /usr/local/bin/ruyi #将ruyi本体改名为ruyi,并放入PATH
$ ruyi version #成功!
Ruyi 0.15.0

Running on linux/x86_64.

Copyright (C) 2023 Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS).
All rights reserved.
License: Apache-2.0 <https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>

This version of ruyi makes use of code licensed under the Mozilla Public
License 2.0 (https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/). You can get the respective
project's sources from the project's official website:

* certifi: https://github.com/certifi/python-certifi


$ ruyi update
There are 13 new news item(s):

No. ID Title
1 2024-01-14-ruyi-news RuyiSDK now supports displaying news
2 2024-01-15-new-board-images New board images available (2024-01-15)
3 2024-01-29-new-board-images New board images available (2024-01-29)
4 2024-01-29-ruyi-0.4 Release notes for RuyiSDK 0.4
5 2024-02-26-gnu-plct-rv64ilp32-elf RV64ILP32 bare-metal toolchain & profile now available
6 2024-04-23-ruyi-0.9 Release notes for RuyiSDK 0.9
7 2024-05-14-ruyi-0.10 Release notes for RuyiSDK 0.10
8 2024-05-28-ruyi-0.11 Release notes for RuyiSDK 0.11
9 2024-06-11-ruyi-0.12 Release notes for RuyiSDK 0.12
10 2024-06-24-ruyi-0.13 Release notes for RuyiSDK 0.13
11 2024-07-08-box64-wps-office-poc 尝鲜:使用 Box64 在 RISC-V 系统上运行 WPS Office
12 2024-07-09-ruyi-0.14 Release notes for RuyiSDK 0.14
13 2024-07-23-ruyi-0.15 Release notes for RuyiSDK 0.15

You can read them with ruyi news read.

列出 profiles

$ ruyi list profiles
baremetal-rv64ilp32 (needs flavor(s): {'rv64ilp32'})
sipeed-lpi4a (needs flavor(s): {'xthead'})