📄️ Building with Ruyi Compilation Environment (Using Licheepi 4A as an Example)
This guide demonstrates the process of installing the Ruyi package manager, setting up a RISC-V compilation and simulation environment using Ruyi, and completing the local compilation of the CoreMark source code, followed by running it on the Licheepi 4A development board.
📄️ Building with Vendor-Provided Binary Toolchain (Using MilkV Duo as an Example)
This document demonstrates the process of building coremark using the Milkv-Duo compilation environment.
📄️ Flashing Development Board Using dd Method (Taking MilkV Duo as an Example)
Currently, the ruyi package manager provides a more convenient method for installing operating systems. The installation can be completed by following the steps and related instructions below.
📄️ Flashing the Development Board via Fastboot (Using Licheepi 4A as an Example)
Currently, the ruyi package manager provides a more convenient method for installing the operating system. By following the steps below and the related instructions, the installation can be completed.
📄️ Integration with CMake and Meson
📄️ Using QEMU and LLVM
This case is based on Building Coremark for MilkV Duo