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fastboot 方式刷写开发板(以 Licheepi 4A 为例)

目前 ruyi 包管理器提供了更为简便的操作系统安装方式,通过以下步骤以及相关引导即可完成安装。



  • 硬件:x86_64 PC
  • 软件:Ubuntu 22.04


Licheepi 4A 支持从板载 emmc 或 SD 卡启动,刷写具有两种不同的连接方式:

  1. RISC-V 开发板以 USB 连接线接入 PC
  2. 将 RISC-V 开发板 SD 卡通过读卡器接入 PC

本例使用了第一种方式。该刷写方式同样适用于向 MilkV Meles 的板载 emmc 刷写镜像。

在使用普通用户刷写镜像失败时,ruyi 会尝试调用 sudo 提权。

Licheepi 4A 使用 USB 线与 PC 连接,通过 fastboot 刷写。如果只希望使用普通用户完成刷写过程,可能需要配置 udev 规则。这里提供示例规则仅供参考:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}="2345", ATTR{idProduct}=="7654", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}="1234", ATTR{idProduct}=="8888", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"


在确保已安装 ruyi 包管理器,并且测试 ruyi -V 正常输出版本相关信息后,请继续以下操作。

ruyi 包管理器提供了为 RISC-V 开发板安装操作系统的功能,为任一型号的 RISC-V 开发板安装镜像都只需要执行:

ruyi device provision

该命令将会返回工具目前所支持的 RISC-V 开发板,选择开发板后将返回所有支持指定开发板的操作系统:

RuyiSDK Device Provisioning Wizard

This is a wizard intended to help you install a system on your device for your
development pleasure, all with ease.

You will be asked some questions that help RuyiSDK understand your device and
your intended configuration, then packages will be downloaded and flashed onto
the device's storage, that you should somehow make available on this host
system beforehand.

Note that, as Ruyi does not run as root, but raw disk access is most likely
required to flash images, you should arrange to allow your user account sudo
access to necessary commands such as dd. Flashing will fail if the sudo
configuration does not allow so.

Continue? (y/N) y

The following devices are currently supported by the wizard. Please pick your device:

1. Allwinner Nezha D1
2. Canaan Kendryte K230
3. Milk-V Duo
4. Milk-V Pioneer Box
5. SiFive HiFive Unmatched
6. Sipeed Lichee RV
7. Sipeed LicheePi 4A
8. StarFive VisionFive
9. StarFive VisionFive2

Choice? (1-9)

以上,以 Sipeed LicheePi 4A 为例,需要为其安装镜像,只需要输入对应的序号:7

Choice? (1-9) 7

The device has the following variants. Please choose the one corresponding to your hardware at hand:

1. Sipeed LicheePi 4A (8G RAM)
2. Sipeed LicheePi 4A (16G RAM)

Choice? (1-2) 2

The following system configurations are supported by the device variant you have chosen. Please pick the one you want
to put on the device:

1. openEuler RISC-V (headless) for Sipeed LicheePi 4A (16G RAM)
2. openEuler RISC-V (XFCE) for Sipeed LicheePi 4A (16G RAM)
3. RevyOS for Sipeed LicheePi 4A (16G RAM)

Choice? (1-3) 3

We are about to download and install the following packages for your device:

* board-image/revyos-sipeed-lpi4a
* board-image/uboot-revyos-sipeed-lpi4a-16g

Proceed? (y/N)
